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Writer's pictureLakya Garrison

The Quest for Civility: A Journey Through the World of Etiquette - Part 5: Remorse - To Release and Relive

In a world that constantly bombards us with messages about the importance of self-reflection and personal growth, the concept of not having remorse seems counterintuitive. However, letting go of guilt and regret can be a powerful tool for personal liberation and emotional well-being.

Remorse is a deep sense of regret or guilt for past actions or decisions. It is a natural emotion that helps us learn from our mistakes and aids growth in different aspects of our lives. It shows that we care about the consequences of our actions and the feelings of others. Healthy remorse motivates us to apologize, make amends, and avoid repeating harmful behaviors. Without remorse, we may become indifferent, insensitive, or even cruel. Remorse is important for our moral development and social relationships.

The Act of Remorse
The Act of Remorse

While it can be a natural response to mistakes or moral transgressions, dwelling on remorse can trap us in a cycle of negative emotions and hinder our ability to move forward. Allow me to share a story I gathered on my journey: There was a man who adored his work above everything he had in his life. His work defined him. It was who he was and what he felt he was born on the Earth to perform. He was accomplished and successful. Any obstacle in his way he was able to circumvent and overcome. He was charming, charismatic and easily admired. There were many men on his scholastic level with the same fervor and ambition, but he outranked them with his many talents and gifts. This man was on the top of his game.

He had always worked exceedingly well, so when he lost his biggest client one day, he felt his career was over. He blamed himself for not being persuasive enough, for not being professional enough, for not being competent enough. He avoided his colleagues and boss, who tried to support him and assure him that he could find new clients. He felt like he didn't deserve their trust, and that he had disappointed them. He spent hours in his office, staring at his computer and replaying the meeting in his mind, wondering what he could have done differently. He was trapped in a cycle of remorse that prevented him from seeing the positive aspects of his work and the possibilities ahead. He didn't realize that one setback didn't define him, and that he could learn from it and move on. He failed to realize that remorse was a natural response,but could become detrimental if it lasted too long and became too severe. He needed to practice self-forgiveness and accept that humans naturally make mistakes. Unfortunately, this man was never able to overcome that past guilt, which led him into a season of self-sabotage, destruction and demise.

Many people in the world today experience these challenges and difficulties in their lives. We face disappointments that may ultimately seem more than we can bear. When this occurs, we may resort to unhealthy measures to cope with the negative feelings. These unhealthy measures may temporarily relieve the guilt, but they can also have serious consequences for our mental and physical health. In the long run, these measures can worsen our guilt and create a vicious cycle of emotional distress. So, while it is virtuous and respectable to have remorse for bad actions it is equally wise to recognize when healthy remorse has ceased to exist, and an unhealthy sense of remorse remains.

The Act of Remorse

At times, remorse can become unhealthy and excessive, leading to guilt, shame, and self-criticism. This can happen when we have unrealistic or rigid expectations of ourselves, when we internalize others' judgments, or when we are unable to forgive ourselves or others. Unhealthy remorse can interfere with our well-being, relationships, and self-esteem. It can also prevent us from moving on and growing as a person. It is paramount that we are able to recognize the signs of unhealthy remorse and seek help if needed.

Signs of Unhealthy Remorse:

- Feeling guilty for things that are not your fault, in your control or responsibility

- Having low self-esteem and self-worth

- Being overly self-critical and harsh with yourself

- Avoiding or denying your emotions and needs

- Struggling to forgive yourself or others

- Having difficulty moving on from the past or making positive changes

When you recognize those signs, it is beneficial to exercise the art of releasing remorse. Below is a list of reasons why letting go of remorse is an essential step in good etiquette growth and learning civility.

The Benefits of Letting Go:

Letting go of remorse can offer several benefits, including:

  1. Emotional Freedom: Holding onto remorse can weigh us down emotionally, affecting our mental health and overall well-being. By letting go, we can free ourselves from the burden of past mistakes and open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities.

  2. Personal Growth: Mistakes and failures are valuable learning opportunities. Instead of wallowing in remorse, we can use them as steppingstones for personal growth and development. Embracing a growth mindset allows us to learn from our past and make better choices in the future.

  3. Improved Relationships: Remorse can strain our relationships, causing us to withdraw or become overly self-critical. Letting go of guilt and shame can help us build stronger and healthier connections with others by fostering trust and open communication.

  4. Increased Resilience: Life is full of challenges, and setbacks are inevitable. By cultivating the ability to let go of remorse, we can develop resilience and bounce back from adversity with greater ease and strength.

The Act of Remorse
Letting Go

Letting go of remorse is not about condoning past mistakes or avoiding accountability. It is about freeing yourself from the emotional burden of guilt and regret and choosing to move forward with a sense of inner peace and self-compassion. Below are some steps to help release unhealthy remorse.

How to Let Go of Remorse:

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognizing and acknowledging your feelings of remorse is an important first step. Allow yourself to process your emotions without judgment.

  2. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend. Self-compassion can help you move beyond self-blame and foster a more positive self-image.

  3. Learn from Your Mistakes: Instead of dwelling on your mistakes, focus on the lessons you have learned. Use your experiences as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

  4. Seek Support: Talking to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist can provide you with a supportive and non-judgmental space to process your feelings and gain insights.

  5. Engage in Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Taking care of yourself can help you regain a sense of balance and inner peace.

  6. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiving yourself and others can be a powerful tool for letting go of remorse. Forgiveness doesn't condone past actions but allows you to release the hold they have over you.

Once you have done all you can to address your remorse, it is time to let it go. Don't dwell on the past or punish yourself endlessly. Instead, focus on the present and the future, and embrace the positive changes you have made. By embracing this mindset, you can open yourself up to personal growth, resilience, and improved well-being. We at Keyola Consultants aid people in living the life in the look they love. Book your consultation with one of our image consultants today and receive 1:1 counseling on how to implement best etiquette rules and practices.


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