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Writer's pictureLakya Garrison

The Balancing Act: Pursuing Dreams While Supporting Others

In the journey of life, many of us find ourselves caught in a delicate balancing act between pursuing our dreams and supporting those around us. This struggle is particularly poignant for those who derive immense joy and fulfillment from their passions, only to be repeatedly pulled away by the needs of others. This article explores the emotional and physical toll of this dynamic and offers insights into finding a healthier balance.

Woman meditating on the beach

The Joy of Pursuing Dreams

When you are engaged in the activities that align with your dreams, you feel a sense of happiness, health, and vitality. Using myself as an example, whether it’s working on my clothing line, Keyola Collection, or consulting through Keyola Consultants, these moments are when I am at my very best. Like me, when performing the activities that align with your dreams, your energy is high, your focus is sharp, and your overall well-being is enhanced.

The Interruption

However, life has a way of testing our resolve. Just as you are making strides towards your goals, someone in your life—be it a friend, family member, or even a client—needs your help. This is often compounded by simultaneous demands from your family, leaving you feeling torn between your aspirations and your responsibilities.

The Consequences

The result of constantly putting your dreams on hold can be devastating. You may find yourself feeling sad, depressed, and even experiencing physical changes like weight gain. The people you help move on with their lives, often happier and healthier, while you are left feeling unfocused and unaccomplished. This cycle can lead to a sense of resentment and a loss of self-worth.

Finding Balance

  1. Set Boundaries: It’s crucial to establish clear boundaries. Communicate your needs and availability to those around you. Let them know that while you are willing to help, you also need time for your own pursuits.

  2. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. This includes physical exercise, mental health practices, and time dedicated solely to your passions.

  3. Delegate and Share Responsibilities: You don’t have to carry the burden alone. Delegate tasks when possible and encourage others to take responsibility for their own issues.

  4. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, mentors, and professionals who understand your goals and can offer guidance and encouragement.

  5. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your progress and adjust your approach as needed. This helps in staying aligned with your goals while being flexible enough to handle life’s interruptions.

Taking Time for Yourself: An Example from Jesus

Even Jesus, who was constantly surrounded by crowds seeking His wisdom and healing, understood the importance of taking time away for Himself. He often withdrew to solitary places to pray and recharge, setting an example of the necessity of self-care and reflection. By taking these moments to reconnect with His purpose and gain strength, He was able to continue His mission with renewed energy and focus. This teaches us that it is not only acceptable but essential to take time for ourselves, even when others need us.

Man sitting on the mountain top
Sweet solitude


Balancing the pursuit of your dreams with the needs of others is undoubtedly challenging. However, by setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and seeking support, you can create a more sustainable path that allows you to thrive both personally and professionally. Remember, your dreams are just as important as the needs of those around you and finding harmony between the two is key to a fulfilling life.

At Keyola Consultants, we offer guidance and advice to help you achieve and sustain the lifestyle you aspire to. It's not just about transforming your attire you don, enhancing the intellectual dialogues you engage in, or preparing you for the splendid soirees you host. Total self-love is essential. True transformation, a metamorphosis is holistic, encompassing your mind, heart, and spirit. Invariably, this internal change is reflected externally. Schedule your session with an image consultant now; we're ready to assist you through the journey and connect you with resources that empower you to embrace the life that matches your desired image.


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