The Life Style Experts
The Life in the Look You Love
Keyola Philosophy
Style is the expression of someone's personality through their appearance. Class is the expression of someone's personality through their behavior. As a professional Image Consultant, I believe in the unique beauty of every person. I aspire to bring it out by showing you the right choices for your body shape, lifestyle, and personality. With a daring wardrobe overhaul, you’ll turn your closet into a secret weapon. With judicious social dynamic training, you'll become a charismatic socialite that is empowered to live The Life in the look you love.
From the divorcée returning to social settings to the college grad beginning their career in the workforce or the spouse of the newly promoted executive, we have captured the formula. By helping our clients find their own, we help them express wants natural to them - a little inspiration helps to realize your fullest potential.
If you are thinking about taking that extra step, I’m here to support you to convey the total image you want the world to see.

“Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”
—Coco Chanel

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